Tuesday, February 28, 2012


mmmm... Makes my mouth water just looking at it.  Grapefruit is one of my favorite fruits - as long as I get a good one.  Not only is it SO tasty and such a treat, it's jammed packed with nutrients.  Yes!

It's filled with vitamins A & C, fiber, and antioxidants, and only about 60 calories for a whole one (they're huge!).  That fiber keeps you full, which is a great benefit for me because I'm always so dang hungry!

My best tips on how to pick a sweet & delicious one:
Dark orange in color!
You don't want it too firm or too soft, so one with a little give is good!
The bigger the better, of course!
Now, I have to say, that I've had a couple of grapefruits that fit these descriptions, but were not sweet.  And in my opinion, when they are not sweet, they are not good! :)
So, it may take some trial and error, but it's worth it.  If you have some better picking advice, I want to hear it!

If you live in Beaumont, HEB is the place to go!  They never let me down.  That's where the one above is from! Andrea brought these to work for us for a treat.  Much better than a cookie! :)
Thanks, Andrea!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

March Mission

It's about to get crazy...

We have a tiny kitchen... and if you've been to our apartment, you know that what I'm saying is true.  It's crowded and jammed packed with stuff, and I don't have very much counter space.  In the pantry everything is just stacked on top of other things, and it's hard to just reach in there and grab what I need.  Now, enough compalining...here's the thing:  This is the kitchen that God provided for us!  I don't want to just "deal" with what I have, and dream of a bigger kitchen... NO WAY!  I want to make the most it!  Oh, and I love organization, so I'm pretty excited about this mission.  There's no better time than... MARCH... to get in that kitchen/pantry and go into mad organization mode!  The key is to keep it in budget.

I want your advice!  If you have any ideas or favorite products, or anything that may help - I need to hear it! :)  I'll post before and after pictures and share all of the secrets with you!  My goal is to be finished by the end of March.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Friday, February 24, 2012

White Bean Chili

Krista Chance made this meal for me and Josh one night when we were babysitting for them.  We fell in love with it, and she passed the recipe down.  SO glad that she did, because we make it constantly!

What to use:
- 4-6 Chicken Breasts
- 4 cans Northern Beans
- 1 can Chicken Broth
- 1 16 oz. jar of Salsa
- 1 cup Shredded Chesse (we use Mozarella)

What to do:
-Throw it all in the Crock Pot and put it on low for 6 hours!
-It's done when you get home from work! LOVE THAT :) Just take two forks and shred the chicken, it will be very tender.
-Serve with crushed chips and shredded cheese on top.

Thanks, Krista!
EnJoY! ;)

Black Bean Chicken Pizza

One of our favorites... BLACK BEAN CHICKEN PIZZA.

What to use:
-Whole Wheat Pizza Crust
-Can of Black Beans (rinsed)
-Can of Diced Tomatoes (I usually grab the one with Lime and Cilantro - yummy flavor)
-Corn (we use frozen)
-Chicken Breast
-BBQ sauce (Billy Ray's Honey BBQ is a staple at our house)
-Shredded chesse of your choice (we use Mozzarella)

What to do:
-Cook your chicken (I usually boil it, or throw it in the crock pot in the morning so that it's finished by the time I get home)
-Shred the chicken
-Cover the pizza crust with the shredded chicken
-BBQ sauce all over the top of the chicken
-Spread your Black Beans, Corn, and Tomatoes over the top
-Sprinkle shredded cheese
-Bake! (use the temp and time that's on the pizza crust!) (usually only about 10 minutes)

Quick and easy dinner, and we love it!

The life and times of JaxJax...

A glimpse into Jax's daily life...

I make a pallet for myself and play with my toys on it.

I like to help mommy make the bed... the warm sheet just feels so nice!

I sleep in the bed with my humans.

Really, I'll sleep anywhere with my daddy.

I make cute faces for my mom because I know she loves them!

And I give her sweet lovin' too!

Sometimes, I get in trouble for chewing up the humans' things.

I like to stay close to his mouth when he's eating... just in case he wants to slip me some food!

Again, with the cute face! :)

I like to act like I'm reading the Word, sometimes.  Othertimes I just chew on it!

Protecting myself from the frigid cold!

Just visiting mom at work!

This is my favorite spot to hang out in!


Isn't he a cutie?! :)

'round the house kinda crafty!

Here are a couple of my Pinterest inspired projects.

Wall decor for our bathroom.  Made from cut toilet paper rolls.  Glued together and spray painted.

Mail Holder for the fridge.  This is a Kashi Cereal box cut into this shape and covered with scrapbook paper.

I'm working on a big project now, and am so excited about it.  Hoping that it comes out!  I'll post it soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

a Father to the Fatherless

adopt (vb.) - to bring into a specific relationship; to take over as if it were one's own
adoption (n.) - act of leaving one's natural family and entering into the privileges and responsibilities of another

Josh and I were talking about adoption this morning, as we usually talk about it: with thankfulness for having been adopted into God's family as His children, and with excitement to one day go and get our children from wherever God has them.  Josh discovered this morning that a guy that he was close to on his first SBP has opened an adoption law firm in Alabama.  That was pretty exciting, because we have wondered where to even begin in choosing an adoption agency.  He is calling this week to get some more information, and to catch up with his old friend.  I'll keep you posted on that!

Majority of people that I talk to about adoption seem distant from the subject, with the exception of those who have actually been adopted.  But the truth of the matter is that as Christians, we ALL have been adopted - this should be a very real thing for us as it COMPLETELY changed our lives!  We come into this world as an orphan, and by God's grace can be saved and adopted as His child.  This is very real in my and Josh's life.  We went majority of our lives as orphans (19 years for me, and 18 for Josh), and then were finally rescued and brought into the family of God!  What a sweet, sweet thing!  There is nothing special about us, and there is nothing that we did to earn that spot as a child of God, but it was because of His love for us.  He came to us! 

We love because he first loved us. -1 John 4:19

I love that God has given us a worldly example of this in adoption as we know it.  Not only does He call us to adoption, but He shows us so much of His character and His plan of redemption through it.  Josh and I are so excited about starting the adoption process - in God's timing, of course.  For now, we will continue to pray and educate ourselves on the process.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27

I've just begun reading this book, and I already want to recommend it to you.  Here's the last paragraph of the first chapter.  I think this pretty much sums up the purpose of the book for you.

"This book isn't, first of all, a theological treatise on adoption in the abstract, although I hope it helps some of us to see how adoption pictures something true about our God and His ways.  This book isn't primarily a book about the practical joys and challenges of adopting children, although I hope it helps many more moms and dads to know firsthand something of why I am wiping away tears as I type this right now.  Ultimately, this book isn't really about adoption at all.  It's just what my son Timothy probably would tell you it is about, if you asked him.  It's about Jesus." 

Adopted for Life

I'm excited about this read, and about Jesus and what He's doing right now, and about adoption.  Praying for God to reveal more of Himself to us during this time.

Hope you are having a great day! :)

Set it and Forget it!

I don't know what I would do without these two kitchen gadgets.  They help me make those yummy meals that Josh loves so much.  It's just so awesome to get home at 7:30 and dinner is ready! Yes!   The Aroma Rice Cooker can also steam veggies perfectly!  I use both the Rice Cooker and Slow Cooker weekly. 

Aroma 8-Cup Digital Dry Rice Cooker and Steamer in Stainless Steel

Hamilton Beach 6Qt Set N Forget Slow Cooker

I'll be posting some of my favorite recipes soon! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Workout of the Day!

4 Sets:
Row Machine - 400 meters

15 Pull Ups

10 Kettle Bell Swings

8 Single Leg/Single Arm
Shoulder Press w/Dumbell

Famer's Walk w/Dumbells - 150 meters

12 Leg Raises

Have Fun!